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Sasuke page

Sasuke page

About Me

My life started as a 8 year old kid.That is when I loved my brother Itachi Uchiha.When Itachi was showing me his shuriken jutsu,
it was amazing!He hit every target and even the blind spot behind a rock.I wanted to show him that I can do it too but I
ended up twisting my leg.Itachi gave me a piggybank ride and took me home,since I couldn't walk.There was a big talk with Itachi
and his friends about shisui.They were blaming Itachi for not showing up at the meeting.They say that he killed him.Itachi said he
didn't kill him.Then Itachi knocked them down on the ground.Father stoped Itachi before he did somethig bad.When father walked
away Itachi looked at father with a different type of sharingan.Father and brother didn't get along after that.

Farther wanted to teach me a new fire ball jutsu.Well when I tried it I failed.Father said "you'll never be like Itachi" and left.I practiced
that jutsu all night and I finally learned it.I wanted to show father one more time but he said "Even if I keep teaching that jutsu for
a week you won't learn the jutsu."But when I showed him he looked shocked but didn't say anything.He turned his back and said
the line I wanted to hear.
After that mother gave me lunch and said that she would help me with my shuriken jutsu when I come back home.When I came back
home I was sure I saw something on the pole but there was nothing there when I blinked.Then I noticed that it was early for everyone
to be sleeping.When I took a turn I saw everyone died.Then I noticed,what about Mother and Father?When I went to check I saw them
died too.Brother showed up in the room where Mother and Father died.I didn't understand what was going on untill brother showed me
that it was him that killed the whole clan.I was so scared that time.Brother told me about the mangekyo sharingan and how to get it.He
said "You have to kill your closest friend."He said that I have to hate him and live like a coward I am and said that when I get the same
eyes like him then I can go after him.When he flied I followed him and when he turned around he was crying.After that day,when I woke
up I was in the hospital.I went back to my clan but no one was there.I am the only survivor.
4 years has past after that time.During the ninja acadamy Naruto was mad at me that all the girls like me.So he had a staring contest
with me and Sakura told him to get away from me.Then when a kid pushed him,we kissed! I was sooo grossed out and it was nasty.
Sakura was so mad at Naruto because she wanted to kiss me.After that we were set into squads.My squad was number 7 and my
teammates are:Naruto Uzumaki and Sakura Haruno.And our sensei was Kakashi Hatake.Then we were sent on a C rank mission.
We had protect a client named Tazuna and take him to his bridge in the land of waves.While we were walking we ended up fighting
the Demon Brothers.I was the one who took care of them.The next day a man showed up and his name was Zabuza the demon of the
Mist.It was a quite long fight untill a guy in a mask named Haku took care of Zabuza.Then we all went to Tazuna's house.Kakashi sensei
had a feeling that Zabuza was still alive,so he took us for some training.Kakashi was teaching us the tree climbing jutsu.
On the tree climbing jutsu,we had to reach the top of the tree...WITHOUT USING HANDS!!While on our training Sakura was the one
who reached the top of the tree.Me and Naruto still didn't make it so we had a race.We practice till it was late at night.Then the next
morning me,Sakura,and Kakashi were taking Tazuna back to the bridge.When we got there all the workers were injured,so there is
trouble.Zabuza and Haku showed up.Kakashi fought Zabuza and I fought Haku,while Sakura defends Tazuna.When I was fighting Haku
I learned the Sharingan.I almost had him but Naruto jumped out of no where and started fighting him.I didn't even need his help,I was doing
fine.When Haku was going to do the sercret jutsu Crystal Ice Mirrors,I jumped in and protected Naruto.I don't know why but my body
just moved by itself.Then when that jutsu hit me I deid,but then while Sakura was crying on me I came back alive.When I woke up Haku
was killed and Zabuza was going to die.He told Kakashi to take him to Haku.And then Zabuza died.
After that moment we all headed back home and Tazuna finally finished the bridge.When we got back to the Village Hidden in the Leaves
the chuunin exams began.When me,Sakura,and Naruto were in the ninja acadamy to sign our permission slips to enter the exam,we bumped
into a guy named Rock Lee.He asked me if I want to fight him but Naruto said that he would fight him,so I let him.Naruto was beaten up.And
when I fought him he beat me and I wasn't happy.Then Rock Lee's sensei showed up.He look so retarded.When we made it to room 301
there were more people then we thought there were.We met all of the other Genin.A guy came out of no where and told us all to be quite.
His name was Kabuto Yakushi.The exam began with a paper test,and the score affects the whole squad.And if Naruto failed the paper test
the whole squad would be disqualified.Even if you look at the other person's test five times.We only had an hour to finish it.When the test was
over some people gave up.And the others pasted the test.
This wako lady named Anko poped out of no where and kind of reminds me of Naruto.She lead us all to the second part of the exam The Forest of Death.Me and Naruto thought that it was nothing to be afraid of.Our job is to collect two types of scrolls from other teams:Heaven scroll and Earth scroll.When we entered the forest me,Sakura,and Naruto heard a scream.Then Naruto said that he hadhad to take a leak(you know what I mean).When Naruto came back I noticed that it wasen't the real Naruto.When the enemy transformed into his real form,we started a fight.I used the Peonix Flower Jutsu on him and stabed him with a knife on the chest.He ran away.When we all gathered together I made a secret password just incase we get seperated like Naruto did.It was..."we thrive in the chaos of the enemy tide.Quiet shinobi don't need dens to hide.Our only concern is to watch and wait...until the enemy lowers the gate."After I completed the poem a new enemy appeared.And that enemy took Naruto somewhere else.
When I fought that guy he left a mark on my neck.He named himself Orochimaru.When I woke up the day after that I felt like power flowing inside
me.I asked sakura who hurt her.A guy name zaku said that he did that so I broke both of his arms.I was going to do the same to his friend but
Sakura stoped me by a hug.Then when I calmed down Zaku's friend gave us an Earth scroll.After that Naruto woke up and was shocked about
Sakura's hair.Sakura just cut her hair alittle and what is the big deal about it.The next morning while we had breakfest I went to fill my bottle
with water.When I came back a guy appeared and he was Kabuto the guy we met at the first exam.He told me that Naruto and Sakura tried to
look in the scroll and the rules were not to look at the scroll until we get to the tower.If it wasn't for Kabuto we would fail the exam.
We had a walk with him until we reached the tower.While were walking we had a fight with these clones.We didn't know where the real bodies
were.When the real bodies appeared Naruto took care of them and they had a Heaven scroll.When we made it to the tower we opened the
When we opened the scrolls Iruka sensei popped out from the scroll and said that we passed the test.Now it was the second part of the
exam.There were only 27 people out of 74 who servived the Forest of Death.The curse mark was such a pain and Sakura was going to
make me forfit the exam.But I had to stop her.Now it was time to fight!The first one up was me and one of orochimaru's puppets.The guy I
was facing uses chakra to suck my chakra.I felt weak with my chakra half way gone and with the mark on my neck killing me.But then I
copied the Dancing Leaf Shadow jutsu from Rock Lee.But now I named it Lions Barrage.I won!But then Kakashi told me I have to go to the hospital,so I didn't see the other matches.When I got out of the hospital kakashi took me for some training.I heard I was going to fight Gaara of the Sand.Kakashi was teaching me the Chidori,Thousand Birds.While I was training gaara showed up.He said I have the same eyes and seek to kill.And I was his pray.He was alittle creepy.
Now the third part of the exam began!Well I was alittle late but at least I didn't get descualified.Now me and Gaara started the match.
My speed increased so I can beat gaara.When I got Gaara where I wanted him to be I used the Chidori.When I used the chidori,it
broke his shell and he was bleeding.In the lil' hole the chidori made I saw a strange thing,so I was interested in what he really is.Then
him and his friends escaped,I followed them to see what they were up to.While I following them Temari wanted to fight me.Well I manage
to escape so then I fought Konkuro.Shino showed up and fought Konkuro,so I moved on.Finally I cought up with gaara.Gaara transformed
into his half demon position.I was no use for him,I felt like it was over for me.
When a few minutes pasted Gaara was coming in for the kill.Then Naruto showed up and attacked him before he killed me.Now Sakura came and a dog followed them.I was wondering why they are here.When Naruto was destracted Gaara jumped twards me and Sakura was defending me from the attack.Now Sakura is traped in Gaara's hand.Naruto fought Gaara with all his might to save Sakura.When Gaara threw Naruto,Naruto was about to hit the tree.I jumped in to save Naruto from crashing into the tree.When I said I was going to finish Gaara off Naruto didn't listen and he used his Multy Shadow Clone Jutsu.When Gaara was badly injured from that Jutsu,he got so angry and transformed into a big possem,also known as Sukaku.He attacked Naruto with a sand coffin attack and Naruto was in trouble.I was about to help him but Naruto was freed from that jutsu and summoned a Toad,also named as Gamabunta,Cheif Toad.
Now it is an epic battle between Gamabunta and Sukaku.Gamabunta started his first attack by using his water type jutsu.Shukaku blocked it by using his air bullet jutsu.Shukaku kept using that jutsu until he finally hit Gamabunta.He thought that he already kill Gamabunta but Cheif Toad was still alive.Gamabunta grabed on to the Shukaku but he was freed.Then Gamabunta and Naruto had a plan.Gamabunta told Naruto to transform him into something with claws and fangs.While Naruto was thinking about who he could transform into Gamabuta told him to transform now.Then Naruto transformed into the Nine-Tailed Fox.When they finally caught Shukaku Naruto jumped and Gamabunta returned into his normal form.Naruto finally made it to Shukaku's head and punched gaara in the face.Gaara woke up and the Shukaku was gone.
Finally Sakura was released. I cought her and placed her next to a dog named pakkun. When Naruto and Gaara fell to the groung naruto wanted to finish him off, but I told him that its enough. Then Gaara's team showed up and fled with Gaara. Naruto, me, and Sakura arrived safely back to Konoha. Then Konoha had a funeral for the Third Hokage who risked his life for our village. It was a very sad moment for everyone in the village. The next day I went in a room to look for kakashi sensei. I saw Kakashi sleeping and all the other Jonin gathering around him. Then a guy can out of nowhere and said that my older brother Itachi Uchiha is in this village searching for Naruto. I was so shocked I ran out the door and started looking for Naruto and my brother. I asked Sakura and she didn't know where he was and I asked the guy in the ramen shop and he said that he is with a guy with big white hair. I looked everywhere for Naruto but nowhere to be found. Then I looked in this hotel and asked the one who owns the hotel where a stupid looking blondie with a big white haired guy is. He said they are in one of the rooms in the hotel and gave me the number of the room. I ran and opened the door. It was a blondie with a big white haired guy, but the wrong pair. I continued and I used my sharingan to find my brother. I had a feeling I was close.
I finally made it and I saw my brother Itachi with a blue guy, looked like a human shark named Kisame. Naruto was with them too. I was so angry I couldn't think. I used my chidori to kill him, but Itachi blocked my jutsu. Itachi snapped my wrist and I fell to the ground. The guy with the long white hair arrived and started talking to Itachi that Naruto is the one they are after. Itachi said "to take Naruto is the supreme order given unto us by the Akatsuki." The white haired guy said that he'll take care of the two Itachi and Kisame. I said that I am the one that is going to do the killing. Itachi said that I was in his way and he punched me and then kicked me. When he kicked me, my body slammed right on the wall and he walked close to me. He picked me up and he used his Mongekyou Sharingan on me. He showed me an illusion about how he killed our family. Then I fainted and couldn't get up...I was in a coma. I failed to beat him. Later on, a lady used a healing jutsu to wake me up. When I woke up Sakura just jumped and hugged me.
The next day, Naruto told me and Sakura that he wants to find out what is behind Kakshi's mask. Well, I refused because I thought that it was lame and a waste of time. Then Naruto started forcing me to join him and Sakura. I couldn't stand it, so then I joined. We tried everything but we couldn't find way see his face. We all brought Kakashi to the ramen shop so he can take off his mask and eat. Kakashi said that he is so happy and that it can snow on him, and it did. HE FELL FOR IT!!! The next day we treated him withramen again and Kakashi said "I wouldn't be surprised if it snowed on me, today!" Then he picked up the chopstix and the ramen blew up on him. HE FELL FOR IT!!! We we treated him to ramen again he said "you are not going to drop a pile of snow are you? Or something like this? No I'm just fooling around." A huge red glove punched him and he fell to the ground like a sheet of paper. HE FELL FOR IT!!! Then we gave him ramen and he almost took off his mask until Shikamaru, Ino, and Choji appeared, we couldn't see his face. Then All three of us were behind a billboard, watching Kakashi walk. When he stopped and turned at us, we ducked as quick as possible. Then when we looked, he was gone. We started running after him, but we lost him. Kakashi sensei popped out of nowhere and asked if we needed something. The three of us were scared and shocked. Naruto tried to sneak behind him but Kakashi got away. Sakura caught him but it was a subtatution, and I even tried but I got tiered of it.
We had a mission and for sure we are going to see his face. Then we made it to a resting house and when we went inside, there was alot of food on the table for us to eat. When we all sat down, we all waited for Kakashi to eat. Then he said he was on a diet. Naruto said that his hand just slipped and threw a tea pot at him. Kakashi sensei flipped the table over and all the food fell to the ground. We got all angry at him and he said "sorry, my hand just slipped." All three of us said "what do you mean your hand just slipped!?!?" Then I had a plan. We all went to the hot springs for he can take it off. Kakashi came inside and he was still covering his face!! When me and Naruto exited the springs we saw three clothes and took them. We were so sick and tired of not seeing his face. Then we all dressed up in the clothes that we took from the springs. We all ran up to Kakashi and Kakashi asked us what we were up to. Naruto was saying that we are not like dressed up as roge ninja just to see behind your...and Sakura hit him. Kakashi tied us all together in a rope and three other ninja arrived. Then Kakashi asked us why in the word are we dressed us like this and Naruto was going to say something, and Sakura started talking to the three other ninja. I said "nice work Sakura" because if Naruto was going to talk back to Kakashi, he will say that we are trying to see what is behind the mask. When we were heading back home Naruto asked what is he hiding behind his mask. He said that he will let us see what was behind that mask. I was wondering if he had buck teeth and Kakashi said "behind this another mask!" We were so shocked.
The next day we returned back to Konoha. We were assigned with another mission, we had to escort someone. Then squad 7 set off to do our mission. We rested in a little restaurant and ate there. This kid came and started talk to us. Naruto seemed too hate that kid. The kid started complimenting Sakura. Naruto just wanted to hurt him for saying those compliments. Its called jealousy. Then the kid said that he was just kidding. The kid disappear without us noticing and we chased after him. Finally we caught him, he fled again. Then we made it to the guy who is supposed to tell us who we have to escort. Naruto introduced himself and said " greetings, I have come from the village Hidden in the Leaves, which is also the place of my birth. I was raised on ramen and hard work and givin the family name of Uzumaki, but I'm know to everyone..." And I replied "as the knuckelhead." Naruto repeated what I said and he blamed me for saying that. I asked the guy what we were supposed to do. We had to escort the kid we saw earlier. The kid's name was Idate.
When we escorted him to the starting line we stayed to watch. When the gates opened The racers began running. Idate was running in the wrong direction! He took a turn instead of going straight. So we chased after him. He kept running and we tried to stop him, and Idate was in a Genjutsu. If it wasn't for Naruto, Idate would've died from falling off the cliff. Then we traveled together to help him win the race. First we had to sail across to ocean. We had to find a boat and Idate knew where to find one. He went to this guys' house to borrow a boat. We were sailing out to the sea and we asked why did he go the wrong direction. He did that because he noticed that storm clouds were going in the direction the other racer was going, so he took a turn to avoid the storm. While we were in the middle of the ocean the three rain ninjas from the Forest of Death appeared on another boat. They were the ones who cased the Genjutsu on Idate, and the one we got the last scroll from. They wanted to kill us for defeating them in the Forest of Death. They threw arrows at our boat and we tried to cut the ropes for they wont come near our boat. Then one of them made it rain black oil. I was about to use my fire ball justu but then Sakura told me not to so I didn't. If it wasn't for her we would be goners. But then They threw an arrow on fire so our boat got on fire! All what we had to do was jump into the water.
To be continued...
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